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Dog and Cat

As a child, my brother and that i had a dachsie dog named nobleman. He was intelligent, kind, lovesome and crafty. we tend to wanted him abundantly, and he wanted North American nation. He conjointly wanted animals and didn't offend birds.

One day, getting back from a walk, within the court of our house we tend to saw alittle grey kitten. nobleman plaintively bareheaded, we tend to raised and brought home.

At home, nobleman didn't leave the kitten, defeated it sort of a caring mother cat, and lay down beside him. initially the kitten squinted his eyes and was terrified of nobleman, however shortly he settled down, drank milk and slept sweet. nobleman guarded his dream.

But then they rang the push button. This neighbor was searching for her missing kitten. the child like a shot awoke, stretching slightly, yawned, showing white sharp teeth and a pink tongue. Of course, he was glad to examine the hostess, however with all his vital air he gave the impression to show that he was well away and wasn't going home the least bit.

It clothed that the kitten was referred to as Marsik. The hostess referred to as Marsik, however he didn't even lead Associate in Nursing ear. She leaned toward him and asked dear whether or not it absolutely was time for him to travel home and whether or not he was progressing to get ready? Kotik hesitated, then mewed in response, dexterously jumped to the owner in his arms, disorganized on his shoulder and waved a flossy tail.

We thought that Marsik during this means bids farewell to North American nation and to nobleman, however that wasn't the case! From the shoulder of the landlord, he waved one jump to the curtain and persisted the curtain, thereby showing what he was capable of, that he was here well and he didn't need to go away our house and his new friend. we tend to all became merry, we laughed. My lord even squealed with joy, whined and ran around during a circle, got abreast of his hind legs and wagged his tail, showing that he didn't need to mention arrivederci to Marsik.

We conjointly felt sorry to dispense with Marsik so we tend to determined to fulfill within the court daily for a walk.

Early within the morning, nobleman was already at the door, tantalizing North American nation for a walk. Having met with Marsik on the road of joy of each there was no limit!

So, once lost, the kitten found a trustworthy friend and a true defender, and our nobleman learned to like and look after our younger brothers even additional.

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